Birgitte’s beautiful poetic exploration evokes and speaks to the visionary inspiration in all of us—the yearning to inspire and be inspired and to create something to awaken and heal the world.
—Steve Omohundro, PhD
scientist and inventor
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Works like The Visionary call upon us to act with what I would call a ‘natural morality.’
—Don Thompson
filmmaker and essayist
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Birgitte has inspired me to think about vision in a new way.
—Kathryn Gorges
founder, WomenLaunch
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The Visionary resonated with me because it describes the desire for and the importance of focusing on things bigger than ourselves and our immediate gratification. That’s what I try to do in my work, and that’s what I think many of us are looking for.
—Cullen Howe, Esq.
environmental attorney
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Birgitte’s mellifluous prose reminds us that you cannot fail at being yourself, which means doing with all your might what you were born to do with your light, your vision, and your time.
—Ken Atchity, PhD
author and founder of Story Merchant
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The idea of giving back, of coming full circle, is embedded in The Visionary.
—Keren Taylor
founder, WriteGirl.org
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The Visionary is my ‘why,’ in poem form.
—Doug May
The Visionary
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Electric cars and solar cells, stock markets and mobile phones, coffee and cargo ships, footsteps on the moon and the half-life of songs.
The Visionary is not just a book. It's an initiative. It's a community of visionaries, of thinkers and doers who are actively changing their world—and often the rest of the world—for the better.
The Visionaries project tells the stories of men and women who are changing the world, one visionary act at a time. Are you actively pursuing your vision of a healthier, cleaner, more equitable world? We want to hear about you. Submit your visionary story today.